Your business deserves a smart point of sale. FastDuka provides a locally made Point of sale system that works for you.
Fastduka point of sale has all the features you need in a point of sale system
With a few clicks to complete a sale, calculate the change due and balance the stock on each sale.
Keep a record of each sale made , transactions , tax per item and even the change issued
Add A product to your store , edit the product purchase price , retail price .It is even easier to stock a product now.
Your stock changes by the actions on the system, when a new stock is added, when a sell is made or even when a batch expires.
Setup Fast Duka and make it personal . Change the business details, add new products , add your stores, customers and even suppliers.
Track your payments directly from your paybill
Designed for both, simplicity and power
Here at FastDuka, we focus on the technology so you can focus on the business
Best for businesses with harware in place.
Useful for midsize businesses
Best for large businesses with numerous products.